Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral

The Rant

Hey, look at that, an update! Crazy! Betcha all thought I was dead, didn't you? Or something like that... Anyway, behold, in all of it's glory, episode 18! For the time being the update schedule is gonna be a little off (as if you hadn't noticed) owing to the change of apartment, the actual full time job, and such. Plus, I'm changing artists. This will (theoretically) be the last comic by the old artist, and hopefully the new artist will be able to crank stuff out a bit faster. Asumming I every actually get around to bugging her about it... but be that as it may, yeah, changes are afoot. 'Cause I stepped in some radioactive waste and now my foot is mutating. Anyway, enjoy the new comic. Hopefully there will be more to come sooner rather than later!
(isn't it cute how he writes like he's actually got a readership)

It is now the 20th, and there is no new comic up. Boo me. I do apologize, but I highly doubt that there are enough people out there that actually care enough for a big apologetic post. And even if there were, I still wouldn't do it. So *meh* :P Hopefully there will be a comic up in the next couple of weeks. My artist is returning to Iowa, so that should make things go a bit more smoothly. I don't think we managed to get one comic up when she was in Kansas. I should have just taken her advice and used all the comics she had up as a buffer, instead of actually updating once a week (how dare I!) But, in the meantime, I did manage to find those pictures from halloween. And here they are:

The Tick Incognito
Here's one of me as The Tick in a trench coat. In the background, you can see B in his Ward Cleaver costume, which some of you may remember from my post on Oct. 30

The Tick gettin' some grub
Here's a rather risque shot of me gettin' my eat on. I really didn't mean for the costume to be that revealing, I swear! I even wore a cup!

My computer is now officially rid of Microsoft in all it's forms! I'm currently running Debian Linux, which is quite neat, but it can be a severe pain in the arse sometimes. Like, for example, when you want to edit your webpage. But once I got this neat editor figured out, I discovered that it's much more awesome than anything I ever had for Windows. And it's all free. Anyway, I apolozige for the lack of comic on the 20th last month, but I hope that the uncharacteristically frequent updates made up for it. I hope to have on up on the 20th this month, but we'll see what happens. I also keep forgetting to put a picture of my 'The Tick' costume on the web. I should do that. It was neat. Anyway, I think I shall leave you all with a few haiku I just composed.

Purple canopies
Picketed pine cone droplings
These make smells for show

Battling hangnails
Prose under cover they weave
Screws through abstraction

Candied shingle want
Unbridled green amonia
What choice does erupt?

Aaaah Halloween. Halloween is my favorite holiday. I always go a little crazy on the costume front, because I think it's so much fun. I actually usually have my costumes picked out about a year in advance. For example next year I'm debating whether to be Swamp Thing, Cthulhu, or the Joker (y'all can find a picture of him your own damn selves.) This year, I was The Tick. I will put pictures up as soon as I get them. My whole family gets into it, really. This year, for example, my brother and his friends were the X-Men. He was Angel, and his friends were Cyclops and Jean Grey. They actually went to a costume contest Friday night. See, there's this movie theatre in town that plays movies once they go out of the regular theatre for less money (I'm sure many of you are familiar with the concept.) Every weekend, they have a midnight showing of some random movie. This being Halloween weekend, the showed Shaun of the Dead. They also had a costume contest before the movie, it being Halloween weekend, and all. But yeah, as the X-Men, they collectively came in third place in the 'originality' category of the contest (this costume contest has three categories: most original, most scary, and most slutty.) They probably could probably have done better, but my brother didn't want to wear his wings (understandably), so he went as a very generic gambit. Last night (Saturday) Em, B, Daniel and I went to this midnight showing dealy. I was The Tick, Em wore a black cloak and a gas mask, B dressed as Ward Cleaver (the dad from leave it to beaver) and Daniel wore a black cloak and a nice scary mask. I got a pretty good reaction from people going in to the theatre, so I was feeling pretty confident. So anyway, they call up the people for the most original costume first. I go up there, resplendent in blue spandex and awseome antennae, and take my place in line among the other awesome costumes. To give you an idea, there was a couple who had driven in the hearse, there was a guy in a Weyland-Yutani jumpsuit with a stuffed facehugger, there was a girl wearing old man hair with a bottle of Viagra and a fake erection, and about a dozen other people. They went down the line, everybody saying what their costume was and all - naturally pointing out the people who had come in the hearse, because that wasn't particularly obvious as they were standing there. When they got to me, I told them who I was, and there was a cheer from the crowd. I cupped my hands to my mouth, and yelled "SPOOON!!!" at the top of my voice. Further cheering. I got a nine and three tens (I was gonna track down the girl who gave me a nine and give her a hard time about it, but I couldn't find her after the movie.) Naturally, I got first place. The next category was the scariest costume. Out of our group, Daniel went up for that one, with his nasty fangly mask and all. This category didn't have nearly as much competition: hardly anyone getting above sixes and sevens from the judges. But Daniel had the neat mask, and made a scary voice, and just generally freaked out the host of the evening (which wasn't hard to do, but it sure was fun.) He also got a nine and three tens. And then it was time for the sluttiest costume competition. Friday night, a friend of my brother had won first place in this competition by stripping down to his boxers, stealing a pirate hat, and calling himself a muff diver. When I went, there were also quite a few slutty costumes. Most of them painfully so. There were a couple scantily clad females (including a Magenta from Rocky Horror), and more scantily clad males, including a couple of guys who had tied their shirts up to show their bellies (not always the pretties of bellies, might I add), a gay cowboy (who called himself the midnight cowboy), and a guy dressed as a french maid, to name a few. After some urging, we managed to get B to go up there as well (if you'll remember, he's dressed as Ward Cleaver.) He marched up to the front, pipe in hand, and when he got there, he turned around, gave a nice smile, and unbuckled his belt. When it came time for him to tell everyone who he was, he took a puff of his pipe, put his hand around the guy next to him (the one in the french maid outfit) and said "I'm Ward Cleaver, and I'm feeling frisky!" He got perfect tens.

This month we're trying something a litte different. We're updating every week. I've already got the next three comics (including the one for oct 28) uploaded, and there should be no trouble getting the next one up after that. It'll be a little before the 20th in November, so there probably won't be a comic for the day of the 20th, but there will (should) be one shortly before, so it'll all work out, and as far as I'm concerned it'll technically be on schedule. And hopefully this will also mean that we'll be able to get comics up more frequently, as we've both improved at getting them drawn and prettied up and put on the web in a timely fashion. But we'll see what happens. Until then, enjoy the next few comics. The writing really starts to pick up (in my opinion)

Today, on Legostar Galactica Dušan has posted a guest strip from us here at Chaotic Neutral. This means that likely a few of the hundreds of his daily visitors might well find there way over here. To those visitors: Welcome! above, you'll see a nice fancy portrait of our character Duflan, based on Dušan: aforementioned creator of Legostar Galactica. We do have the next comic finished (and uploaded, even) but this nice little coincidence seemed too fitting, so the next comic will be up on Tuesday, to fit our normal schedule of a new comic on the 20th of every month. The next few comics will be easier to draw, so Sarah (the artist) should have an easier time getting a few pumped out. I'm hoping there will be at least two before the comic for the 20th of November, if not more. And, just maybe, we'll change our schedule to update even more frequently. So, anyway, welcome to the site, please read our meagre archives. If you like what you see, drop us a line on the tagboard (over there ‹- ) maybe we can get Sarah motivated. Or I could just learn to draw for myself :P

We're trying things a little bit differently this month. Today's comic, as you can see, is a bit smaller than our usual fare (much to the relief of our dialup viewers, or viewer, as it were.) Don't worry, though, we still have the same amout of content this month, we're just spacing it throughout the week. After todays, there will be a comic on Monday, a comic on Wednesday, and a comic on Friday, with another coming (or so Sarah says) before the 20th of next month (which I can only assume means that she will have the next one ready for the 20th on time...) Anyway, enjoy the end of this little battle sequence which has taken so long to conclude. :)
On another note, I have found a very neat little... uh... dealy online. It's a comic book character creator. You basically get a template for what your character looks like. I did one for Salsa, which I display to you here:
Salsa con Queso
(the blue stuff will make sense wednesday)
You can find the webpage here and see my attempts at the other characters in the comic here (M), here (1377) and here (Duflan), and the corresponding save files for each character (in case you want to load them up and play with them) here (Salsa), here (M), here (1377) and here. Boy, that came out a little bit dirtier than I meant it...

We have now begun production of comics in earnest. I have up through about episode 25 or so scripted out, and Sarah is in the process of drawing up through episode 8. So, I have changed the dates on all the comics to reflect their original release so you can all see how lazy we were about getting comics up. This means that all four previous comics are now posted, and on monday episode 5 (which is done) will be posted. Ideally, each proceeding comic will go up on the 20th of each month, though if we start going faster with the comics, then we may update as much as bi-weekly, or, if we really get going, (*gasp!*) weekly! But we shall see. Anyway, that's all the news I have for now. Enjoy the comics, 'n stuff...

And the second comic is now up. Horray. Notice the difference in the artwork (i.e. it doesn't suck anymore.) This would be because Sarah took over drawing the comic at this point. We're both still working on pinning our styles down (her drawing, and my fiddling with her drawing digitally) but hopefully, one we actually start working on stuff again, it'll start looking pretty.
Speaking of not being able to work on stuff, though, here's the deal with that. Sarah and I are trying to earn $5000 each before mid-September so that we can go live and work in France for 7 months. Exciting, no? Well, it is for us anyway. But in order to earn this money, Sarah and I are having to work ungodly hours at factory jobs, so pretty much all of the projects I have on my docket must be put on hold until September (and once we get to France, we'll only be working 12 hours a week, so there should be plenty of time to do all kinds of fun things at that point.) In case any of you are curious (which you're probably not) here is a list of projects now on hold: Other than that, I'll try to work on this webpage some, or at least post the occasional rant here over the summer, hopefully some interesting or amusing stuff (or at least stuff worth reading, though I've not been great about that in the past :P) But yeah that's it. Go home, quit botherin' me!

Well, as you can probably tell, I've officially switched over to keenspace. For now I've got things set up to update on the 20th of each month, starting back from the beginning. Hopefully as Sarah and I get better about pumping these things out, we'll switch over to weekly. For the time being, though, we're using the four we already have to give us a nice little buffer (which will last us until july, assuming one update a month) in which to start making more comics. Do check back more regularly than this, however, as these plans may change. Plus, I might still have interesting or amusing things to rant about. Anyway, the site is still kinda under construction, so if anybody has any ideas, lemme know on the tagboard. Yay!

Soon I will be graduating. This means that Iowa State will no longer be able to host this glorious website. *cough* Anyway... yeah, so I applied for an account on keenspace, and in about a week I should have it. This means two things: firstly, a change of format for the website, putting the comic in more prominence, and the rant in less. Secondly, it means that the two of you out there (you know who you are) who actually link to me will have to get up off of your big fat lazy Mexican arse and update the link. (*note* in this case "big fat mexican arse" is not a racist slur, but a factual description - with the possible exception of the fat part - of an individual person's arse.) Oh, and it also means that we might have to actually get a new comic up from time to time, for fear of losing hosting... or something. So, yeah, in a few weeks this site will have moved to keenspace, and will then transform into some shameless advertisement of myself and my achievements intended to impress prospective employers, or something.

Everybody needs to go check out the Space Battle game again! I got it working much better. You shouldn't have any trouble running it unless you are not running Java 1.5 (and even then, it Might work.) But yeah, yay! Everybody go look at it, and please let me know if you have any trouble running it.

Last night, well, early this morning (some time around 2:45ish) the phone rings. Sarah and I are both wondering at this point as to who might be calling at that hour (we were up, but didn't expect many others to be). Well, as it turns out, it was a friend of ours - for the sake of anonymity let's call him "B." Now, apparently "B" had gone to a party, and was a little on the tipsy side, lost, and wanted a ride home. When Sarah asked him were he was, so that we could pick him up, he told us "at a 4-way stop on a main road by Freddy [Frederiksen Ct.]" Apparently he had tried to stumble home on his own, and got turned around (very turned around, but we'll get to that later.) Luckily, Sarah had the presence of mind to ask "B" to tell us the name of the street he was on. "Valley View Road" he said. Well, we look up Valley View Road on mapquest, and find that it really isn't very close to Freddy at all. We leave to pick him up, drive out to Valley View Road, and drive north on it for a while (probably a mile, mile and a half) before we find him lying down beside the stop sign. The road that we had found him on was on the very northern edge of a housing development (probably a mile and a half across, south-to-north) that was itself a mile or two north of his starting point. Interesting side note: "B" lives in Friley, which is about a mile south of Frederiksen Court, where the party was. When questioned as to how he wound up so far off course, he told us something vague about walking in a ditch and falling down a lot. For those of you who are familiar with the Ames area, "B" ended up farther north than Wal-Mart. Most impressive drunken stumbling. We have yet to decide how best to publicly humiliate him for this, so any suggestions are welcome.
For those of you interested in more detail:
This is about where "B" should have gone
This is about where "B" did go (not including any winding, circling, or whatnot that probably occured, as he was drunk and all)
*note: these are not exact, because mapquest kinda sucks.

Awwww, Caesar's sleeping.
Caesar Asleep
That way, he can get up very early in the morning and pester me until I do the same (but without the catnap.)

I have a new hat.
(Hey, it beats doing homework...)

The telemarketer do not call list is an interesting thing. Now, most people are probably signed up, so the bulk of the most annoying telemarketers can't call. Then there are the people who aren't signed up. Sure, maybe a few actually like hearing about the latest long distance deal, or how they can refinance their mortgage, or that they've been pre-approved. But then there's the rest of us - the only slightly less freaky people. The people that like to mess with the telemarketers. Now, I would tentatively put myself somewhere in between the 'likes to mess with telemarketers' group, and the 'more or less apathetic' group. I like the idea of messing with telemarketers, but most of the time I'm uninspired, so I just garner what little satisfaction I can from haning up on them (and before you accuse me of being a cruel cruel person - though I don't know who of you out there would consider one who does such things to be cruel - bear in mind that I was a telemarketer for a summer, so I have a bit of sympathy. That's why I either hang up on them or make it interesting.) Lately I've been having fun just confusing them to the point where they hang up of their own volition. This has been surprisingly easy. The other day, a telemarketer called at 9:00 on the dot (exactly at the same time my alarm went off, even - it was eerie). This was a person trying to get me a credit card at 'unprecedented low rates' (unprecedented of course was pronounced abysmally). I was a little annoyed, so I decided to lead her on a bit, see if I could have some fun with it. And lo behold, when she had the taste of the sale in her mouth, and I could tell she was getting excited, she had a slight lapse of reason. "Are you eighteen?" she said. Aha! My opportunity! "No" says I. "...Is there anyone else in your house who is?" she asked, sounding a bit dejected. "Nope" I reply. "Oh. Well, thanks anyway" she says, immediately followed by a click, before I have time to respond. That was fun. Then, earlier today, I get a call from a representative of McLeod USA - a phone company. They seemed to know a disturbing amount about my phone bill. Well, ok, they knew who my current provider is. But still, mildy scary. Anyway, his first order of business is to establish the fact that McLeod's rates are lower than mine. He guesses that mine are around 28-30$ a month. "Oh no," I say "mine are much lower!" "Oh" he says, with that wonderful dejected tone in his voice. "Well, thanks" *click*. I then go to open my phone bill, which had just arrived in the mail. It was $25.

-2/6/2005 (the wee hours)
Well, the non-network part of the Space Battle game (see above and previous rants) is now officially in Beta. I would greatly appreciate anyone who wants to go bug hunting. And the more specifically you can pin down the bug, the better. Namely, it doesn't help too much unless you can reliably recreate the bug. Also, let me know if you want some more (simple, preferably) features included. I hope to hear some feedback soon! Thanks all!

-2/5/2005 (somewhat later)
We got a cat today. His name is Caesar. Here is a picture:


The more astute of you may have already noticed that I have changed the 'Bounty Hunter' link at the top of the site to say 'Space Battle.' This is to reflect the tentative name of the project I am currently working on. At a later date, I'd like to make this project into the Bounty Hunter project idea I had, but it is much more high level than Space Battle. Those of you who are still interested can find the (unchanged) Bounty Hunter information here. But go check out Space Battle. It should be very much cross platform, and it's really coming along quite nicely.

So, here is a link to what I have so far for the project I talked about last friday. If any of you are particularly curious about what the state of things is, feel free to check it out, but don't be surprised if nothing works for you ('cause it's probably not working for me either). But mainly I just put it up for my own convinience. And stuff. Now if I could only get that stupid cube to rotate on a different axis.....

Boy is it ever Friday...
I am currently taking a networking class. This means that I learn how to write network code. Yay! In this class, there is a semester project. Which means by the end of the semester I will have something fun to put on the website. Yay! Here's a quick breakdown of what my project will be (more or less). Muliplayer asteroids. Well, ok, so there will be no asteroids involved, but you fly around in the little triangle ship like in asteroids and blow the crap out of anybody else who's playing, all in the comfort of my website. Yay! Theoretically, I'll be adding new features to it from time to time, but I guess first I should worry about getting the initial project written. But yeah, this morning (being as it's still Friday and all) I went and talked to my professor about it, and I can now officially say that I'll be doing this project. So, short of me deciding I want to fail this class, this project will be up sometime in the May area of this year. Fun.
In other news, I'm making haggis. Seeing as tuesday was Rabbie Burns' birthday, and I'm not one to celebrate on a tuesday, I will be making haggis today. It will be fun. And tasty. Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out there. Later all!

Dusan has told me that he checks my site every day in hopes that I update. Well, perhaps hope is too strong a word, I think 'routine' might be closer to the mark, as I think many of my loyal reader(s?) have given up hoping that I might update regularly. Well, as I am now in the habbit of actually doing things (namely homework), rather than just meaning to do them, I am going to set a new goal for myself: a new rant at least once a week! No such gaurantees on the comic, though, as that requires mainly a time commitment from Sarah, rather than myself. Anyway, the actual rant will be this friday, 'cause then I'll have something to say.

I now have a webcam. I've been toying with putting a feed up trained on the ferrets, let me know what you think of that. But regardless, I used it to take pictures of my ferrets, and now, for the first time ever, pictures on my website! (well, ok, with the exception of the comic....)


So, I was looking at the customer reviews of Return of The King extended edition on Amazon just a bit ago (I've got a test tomorrow, so it seemed the best use of my time). I came upon a review that just spoke to me. I thought I would share it with all of you. So here it is:



My favorite part about this review is that it is completely deviod of spelling errors. I find the whole review rather amazing. Naturally, the fact that the review is entirely comprised of capital letters - with ample exclamation points - would tend to require a few misspellings, but there are none. With the exception of the exclamation points, there is even correct punctuation. And then there's the logic behind it. The part that amused me most was that the writer thought that telling everyone that (s)he sleeps with a lord of the rings blanket is high praise. Comparing it to (presumably all of?) the other movies that the writer has seen (especially ranking it more highly than the holy grail) was also an interesting choice. But anyway, I found this highly amusing, and I hope that you all do as well.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! It rather makes one's brain want to die...

Make sure you all go vote today. I, for one, don't particularly want four more years of a president who is often mistaken for a chimpanzee. Not to mention all the stupid. Please, vote. Make the stupid stop!

So, my boss just made the best analogy ever. He likened some programming practice (I didn't really hear what) to - get this - punching a police officer in the balls in hopes that they will spray you with mace so you can collect it in a cup and have a cup of mace. Wow. I love my job...

Oy. So very much has happened in the past month. And so very little of it would actually be interesting to those of you who read these rants. Where to even start... Well, I guess the first thing I could talk about is Freya. I got a ferret!! Yaaay!! And her name is Freya (see Don, I gave my ferret a Norse name, aren't you proud of me?). She had been left at the animal shelter after her previous owner had been evicted from their appartment, and failed to pick her up. So we got her, and her (friggin' ginormous) cage for a $20 adoption fee. Take that, Marshall Farms!! Her name had been Envoy previously (shudder), and her cage had been lined with wood chippings (which are bad for Ferrets: they cause problems in their sensitive little resperatory tracts), so Sarah and I ammended both of those misdeeds. She is the sweetest, most mellow ferret I have ever met. And she's pretty friggin' hilarious to watch and play with. Well, anyway, classes started, so now I have no free time, and don't get enough sleep, and have no money (my larger loan has yet to come in). Heh, and then on Monday I get a letter in the mail from 'The Clerk of the District Court'. I had been summoned to jury duty. In Cedar Rapids. Hah. So, they want me to drive two hours in a car that I don't have (oh, yeah, my car finally decided to die on me), and miss a day of school and work so that I can get payed $10 (and $0.29 a mile). I somehow doubt that's gonna happen. Well, anyway, I've updated my rant (take that, Don), and I don't feel particularly funny or insightful at the moment, so I'ma go play some video games.

For today's rant, I'm going to delve deep into the archives of my past. It was two years ago, and I was taking physics 222 here at ISU. For this class, we had bi-weekly papers we were supposed to write about the current topic of the class. These papers were to be done in groups of two or three. The first of these papers covered the topic of simle harmonic oscillation. We were supposed to write this paper to explain the rules of said topic, and give an example. Well, Em and I decided that the example we should use in this paper should be something interesting. We decided on Godzilla, 'cause it don't get much more entertaining than that. Well, we write said paper, we write it very well. In fact, I have posted this paper here so you can all marvel at its glory. We both turn the paper in to our respective TA's, who are responsible for grading them. In the next recitation, we get these papers back. Em recieved full marks on hers. I recieved less than half credit: two out of five points. It's no fun having a TA with a stick up his arse. I wonder if that undergoes simple harmonic oscillation...

In the vein of Don's latest posting I have decided to write today's rant about a funny thing that happened to me today. I had just gotten home, and as I was getting out of the car, I noticed three girls walking down the sidewalk in my general direction. Now, as some of you may know, my hair is currently what has been described as 'violently purple'. I'll post pictures when we finish the roll off. Anyway, as I exit the car and walk toward my house, I notice that these girls are staring at me rather intently. Now, these girls weren't exactly unattractive, and, although I am very much spoken for, I still enjoy that kind of attention. The last girl in line even had her hair dyed some weird shade of reddish purple (which, in afterthough, must have been an attempt at a natural color). Anyway, as these girls approach me, staring intently, the girl at the front of their little line kind of steps toward me, leans a little bit forward (and at this point I can see the pointedly vacant look commonly associated with bottle blondes, as she rather obviously was). She leans forward and says "Your hair is purple!" I was so dumbfounded that all I could think of to say was "Yes, yes it is." Alas, for my lack of spontaneous wit! I could have say something like "Dear God! Purple, you say? How could this have happened!?" or "Don't be ridiculous! Nobody has purple hair!" or "It is? Wow, that would have saved me some trouble at the doctor's. Why does nobody tell me these things?!" or "Yeah, but you should see the other guy." or "I believe it prefers the term 'Martian-American'." or any number of other scathing retorts. But no, I simply agreed with her dumbfoundingly mundane observation. Oy. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to do better next time.

I seem to have inadvertantly started another project. Some of you may know, I have been working on an armor vest that I plan on making from a combination of chainmaille and leather scales. Well, I recently finished the chainmaille part, and about a day later saw this giant bag of leather scraps at hobby lobby for $6. Not one to pass up a deal like that, I bought it, and since then the majority of my free time has been devoted to cutting out the scales and sewing them together. It's actually coming along quite nicely, but it also kidna eats into my 'webcomic making time', especially since Sarah has been engrossed in this project (by her own free will). And I must say, she's much better at it than me. I spent a few days trying to come up with the right scale pattern and the right places for the holes, and last night she sat down, and in half an hour had come up with a better design than the one I had been working with. Not only was it more standardized and regular, but the scales acutally cover the stitches on the other scales. I have been put to shame. But anyway, needless to say, it might be a while before I get the next comic up. Don't like it? Well complain! It might actually get me to work on it sooner.

So, yeah, having the comic up this week didn't work so well. I promise, I've got the next three comics written, I just need to get Sarah to draw them. Which is difficult, because I think we left the notebook containing the artwork in Omaha. So now we have to go buy another fancy (and pricey :P) notebook, and start again from scratch. Evevtually we'll get this down to a science, though. We'll turn this into a regularly updated comic yet! Probably...

Ok, so here's the deal: there won't be a comic up this week, but if all goes according to plan, episode 3 should be up midway through next week. Sarah is visiting family in Kansas this week, and so is unable to get the drawings to me, but hopefully she'll have a chance to finish them in Kansas, and we can scan when we get back this weekend. I do have the next three comics written, and hopefully we'll be able to get them up in a more regular fashion, but we'll see what happens. Summer classes suck. I've also been intending to make my website a bit more user friendly, so you can all look forward to some much needed format changes in the near future.

Belive it or not, I've got Episode 2 of Chaotic Neutral posted! Yaay! And I also am pleased to announce that I have a new artist as well, the lovely and talented Sarah Chapman, who some of you may know as my girlfriend. But this is a happy little alliance, and, as you can all see, it greatly improves the quality of the comic. It will also hopefully improve the regularity of the comic. We would like to make this a weekly event, even, as soon as we get our system down, but this comic took for friggin' ever to make. But anyway, enough babbling from me, go read the comic!

I've made a few little updates in the character bios for Chaotic Neutral. Check them out, tell me what you think.

So, supposedly breeding snakes isn't difficult. You just put the female in the male's cage shortly after he sheds in the appropriate season (i.e. spring or summer). Well, unfortunately it's not that easy. See, snakes don't like to eat when they're about to shed, it turns out, so you have to wait until after they shed to feed them. This is not something Sarah and I took into consideration when attempting to breed our great plains rat snakes. See, Skippy shed. Naturally, it seemed like the ideal time to breed them, so we asked our friend Kira (who is keeping both snakes until we get pet friendly housing) to put the snakes together. We neglected to tell her to seperate them before Skippy got hungry. The next day, there was only one snake in the cage. One snake that hadn't been fed in months and just shed. One snake who is very likely no longer hungry. They say that rat snakes don't tend to do the whole 'cannibalism' thing so much. Well, I guess if you put a rather malnourished snake in the same cage as another snake about half his size, then that would be one of those times where they make an exception. Go figure. So we lost our albino rat snake. It was sad. And expensive. She cost us $300 and a year of careful raising, not to mention any emotional attatchment that we may have made with the poor animal. We had such big plans about breeding these snakes together. Rat snakes have not been bred very much because they are very similar to corn snakes, which already have dozens of beautiful color phases that you can buy (go visit to take a look at some of these snakes. Anyway, back to rat snakes. There are currently only 3 color phases of great plains rat snake (not counting mixes with corn snakes), the regular ones (like Skippy), the albinos (like Baby), which usually go for about $300 as babies (and probably would go for more full grown), and the chocholates, which tend to go for around $500. Interesting phases of rat snakes are also very hard to come by, in fact, there are only two genetic lines of albino rat snake on the market right now (that means that all the albino rat snakes that you could buy are decended from one of two wild caught animals). After Baby was eaten, Sarah looked into calling Dan Soderberg, who is (or was) the owner of one of the two albino rat snake lines (we got Baby from him) in hopes of getting another albino, hopefully one of breeding age this time so that we could still have baby snakes this summer. It turns out that he recently sold all his great plains rat snakes to someone else. Sarah tracked him down, and told him our sad story, and he offered us a really good deal on a female old enough to breed, and even offered to throw in a baby chocholate (albiet one born without a tail, but still) for free. and he offered to sell us a male albino for just $100. It's always nice to find that there are still good people out there. So, after that slightly traumatic ordeal, it turns out that we will still have snake babies this summer (though somewhat later than we had hoped, but we're still happy about it), and we might just have some chocolate albinos in the future, as well. Yaay!

School is hard. Sorry I haven't updated my comic in such a friggin' long time, but I promise that episode 2 is in the works. Unfortunately the shit is beginning to hit the fan as far as this whole school thing goes. Perhaps the week after next I'll have a little more time for art. But it's more likely that a new episode won't actually get up until this whole school thing is over and done with for another year. Bah. I also might be doing these comics in flash starting with episode 3 or so. Horrah! But until then, I'm just gonna work on passing all my classes and stuff and getting episode 2 done. But, speaking of classes, it seems entirely possible that my sword fighting simulation project for CS 309 might actually be starting to come together at some point soon here. It's currently Titled Einvigi, which is Old Norse for duel, or the Norse approximation thereof. But anyway, yeah, hopefully some time soon I'll actually be able to put something resembling the basis of a nifty video game up here. Hopefully... But anyway, I've now updated the rant again, which I haven't done in quite a long time, so yay for me. Perhaps some time soon I might actually even put up a rant that's even entertaining...

Well, I just got my score for my last test in cs 311. Allow me to share some of the statistics for the class. The test was out of 100 points. The highest score was 71. The lowest was 20.5. The average score on the test was 39 points, with a standard deviation of about 10.5 points. Now for the class in general: highest overall grade: 75%, lowest overall grade: 6.6%, average overall grade: 47%. This summer, the course will be taught by a teacher that I have had before and who I know is a good teacher. I'll just leave it at that.
Sometimes I really wish I were an anthropology major...

Sorry guys, but there shan't be a new comic this weekend. I was trying for one, but a combination of writers' block and other stuff to do kinda slowed me down. But I'll have plenty of empty time in a car this weekend, driving to and from chicago (mainly as a passenger), so mayhaps I'll get something done then, and there'll be a comic up next weekend. We'll see what happens. But you can probably expect these to become more regular as I get the process down, and get better at the art. Speaking of which, I'm always open to suggestions as to how to improve my art, 'cause there's really no where to go but up from here. :) Anyway, I hope I get the second episode up soon, and I hope you all enjoy it.

Whew, getting that one episode up was a hell of a lot of work... And now I get to start thinking about episode 2. At this point, with school going full tilt and all, I'll probably get one comic up every month or so, perhaps faster when I get this whole 'drawing' thing ironed out a little better. But each comic will be at least as long as todays, if not longer. Eventually, I do want to do them in flash, but as I don't yet have flash, I'll just keep doing it the old fashioned way. Oh, and note to Don: I know we've all been making fun of you a lot, but this first comic is really more making fun of myself than you, and I can't really see doing anything directed at you at all in there except the running from booty gag. And you know that's going in there :) But nothing else. Anyway, back to homework for me, I promise I'll try to make the next comic look prettier.


And we have liftoff!!

Yaaay, I finally got the first episode of Chaotic Neutral online!! Horrah! You'll all have to forgive the art, this is my first time drawing anything that anyone else has to look at, so expect the art to improve in the future, but I do hope you all enjoy my comedic genius *insert smug, self-important emoticon here*. Well, there it is, let me know if I messed anything up. Peace out.

So, I discovered something mildly disturbing just now. The built-in dictionary in Microsoft Word doesn't recognize the word 'classism'. It recognizes racism just fine, but even as I type this now in MSWord to avoid stupid typos, the word classism gets that funny little red underline meaning it 's not in the Microsoft Dictionary. I find that just a tad bit ironic, that Microsoft doesn't recognize that classism exists... Though perhaps at a somewhat more profound (and paranoid) level, it's just a bit disturbing. I mean, how difficult is it to make a dictionary with the word classism in it? As far as I know, it's a perfectly standard word, appearing in pretty much any other dictionary. describes it as prejudice or discrimination based on class. That seems to be a pretty basic word, and if Microsoft really wanted to be all comprehensive and stuff it would be in there. But then, Microsoft is a terribly large corporation in America, a country rampant with classism. Just look at Bush's tax cuts, 90% of which go to the top 10% of the wealth brackets. Haven't we already proven that trickle-down economics don't work? The rich keep getting fatter and richer, and none of this money that is supposed to trickle down to the poor people ever actually does. Microsoft is as guilty of that as any other standard rich American corporation, if not more so due to it's nice little monopoly on computer software that the government doesn't seem to want to break up. Competition is a good thing! It results in lower prices and better products! Haven't you people heard of John Keynes? And if Microsoft really becomes the end all dictionary, and when people type the word 'classism' into MSWord and it gets the little red underline, do they think that that means that classism isn't a word? Could Microsoft really make people think that classism doesn't exist? Wouldn't that keep them, and our current government in their happy Bacchus-like seats of power? But anyway, enough of my paranoid ranting, I should get ready for class and such. Oh, quick update on my comic: the first episode is written, drawn, and inked. I just need to scan it, colorize it, and put in the words and word bubbles, and it will be ready to go online. Yaay!

-2/09/2004 (all of 2 seconds after last post)
Ok, that's odd. It seems that you have to manually hit refresh in each character page to see the new ones, as well as new rants. If anybody manages to figure this out and actually be able to see my rant, and also happen to know how to fix this, please let me know so I can do some thing about it.

Ok, I don't have the first comic done quite yet, but I did put up the bios for all the characters. Go, read, enjoy, critique.

So, I actually got around to doing something with this webcomic dealy. First, as you may have noticed, I named it. I also wrote the dialogue for the first comic on Friday, and spent quite a few good hours coming up with a rough draft for the art. Now all I have to do is find some nice non-ruled paper and get another draft on there, scan it, and finish it in photoshop. I'm hoping to have it up by next weekend at the latest, but we'll see how that goes, 'cause I've got a 5-7 page paper due Thursday, which also happens to be my birthday, and that's on top of my usual grueling routine, but I'm really excited about having something done for this, so I'm gonna try to put some time aside each day for it. So yeah, as usual, use my tagboard for feedback, blah blah, let me know what you think of the name for the comic, 'cause I'm not entirely sure whether I like it or not yet, so, yeah, make opinions for me. Anyway, now time to get some of that nasty homework out of the way so I can have time for the webcomic later. :)

OK, here's the deal: I have a new idea for a videogame. I know I've already got two ideas posted on this website that I've done nothing with for a good long while, but those were both for the benefit of the video game development class I took last semester. The Bounty Hunter idea was my idea that I was trying to pitch to the group, but that didn't work so much, though I'm still rather attached to it and would kinda like to see it be realized eventually, but I want to do my new idea first. The fairy tale idea (which is now officially called Grimm, for anyone who's interested). That one is what I ended up working on for this class. That project is currently in hands better equipped to deal with it's particular difficulties than mine (not that it was ever actually in my hands, I just kinda did some work on the story), but at any rate, even if I do go to work for that group some more, there's no good reason for me to keep that section on my webpage, so at some point in the near future (I hope) it shall be converted into a section on my new project, which I will also be doing for a class (hopefully), so it will actually get some work done on it (again, hopefully). Now, to tell all you good folks about my new intended project. I'm calling it Mythos. I rather like the name, and I don't think that anyone has used it before (though please correct me if I'm wrong). This project can be more or less split up into two distinct parts at the moment, as far as ideas and work goes, though I'm sure before it's all brought together into one it'll be split up into many many more. The first part, that is, the part that I came up with first, is a rough idea of where I want the story to go. The second part is the fighting engine, which, seeing as I'm a computer science major rather than an English major (though sometimes I wish I were both, and then some), I shall be working on for my class this coming semester (again, hopefully). But I think I'll elaborate on the story side of it first. Now, I don't really have any characters, or even a real plot hashed out yet, I just know where I want to go with it. I want to explore cultures, but not just cultures, religions, and not just as dead stories and belief systems, but as if they are real (and I don't really like using the word if there, because I want this to be some kind of social commentary, however masked or subtle it may become in the end). I want to deal mainly with little known (and, in some cases, dead) religions and cultures. A few that I have been looking at are Gaelic, Haitian, and Aboriginal, though I would like at least one from every continent, so I therefore know that I'm going to want at least one North American Indian (Apache, Lakota, Navajo etc.), one South American Indian (Inca, Maya, Aztec, etc.), one Asian, and one African, though I'll probably want more than seven in the end. I love different cultures, specifically the language and 'mythology' (although I don't like that word particularly, because it undermines those belief systems (how many devout Christians do you think would be happy about someone calling The Bible a book of myths?) The religions that I mentioned before have in common great battles in their past. Gaelic has the primordial wars between the six races, Haitian is just full of fun stuff like that (Voodoo and whatnot), and Aboriginal has the battling against the Yowie for Australia when they arrived. I thought it would be interesting for a video game if all these old stories were coming back to life, and in Ireland you had Fomorians coming back that had to be battled, and in Haiti (though that will probably become Africa, as that set of beliefs is mainly derived from African roots) there could be Zombies and the like, and the Yowie could start fighting to get Australia back, etc. This could make a very interesting video game, with plenty of action, and none of it involving guns, 'cause what would be the fun in that? So, to compliment this all, I want to make a kickass sword fighting engine, which shall be my project next semester, if I can get a group together. I want to put in it traditional weapons of all these cultures: claymores, the bow and arrow, kitanas, atlatls, boomerangs, spears, all kinds of really cool stuff that could only come from real life. I'm thinking of basing the damage system loosely off of the Dagorhir/Belegarth rules, though applied to a video game world, rather than safety in fighting with foam weapons. Basically, one hit will take off a limb, or do some fatal damage to your torso. Now I'll probably have to do some adjustments based on the momentum behind the hit and stuff (I want to factor physics very prominently into it). But a lot of those details are going to have to be ironed out during the actual coding, 'cause the medium that will be used will have it's own strengths and weaknesses that will have to be exploited appropriately.
I love this idea for many many reasons that I won't bore you all with in this rant, but I beg that any of you who have any feedback of any kind whatsoever please let me know. If you hate something, you can say it anonymously on my tagboard, if you like something, tell me, if you have an idea for a new culture to use, please tell me, if you have an idea for something that ties all the cultures together in the plot (which is the number one thing I'm missing in the plot at the moment) please tell me. If you have a suggestion for some way to do the swordfighting engine, or even better, some way to work the sword fighting interface, or if you know of a game that has a really good sword fighting engine or interface, please, tell me. I want your feedback because I want to do something interesting with this game. Hopefully some time soon I'll have an entire section on my webpage devoted to it, but until then I think we can make do with the tagboard for this section of my site, or you could email me, or call me, or im me, or yell at me from across the room, but please, I want feedback. Thanks, and I hope that I can actually put this out there someday, and that people will enjoy it.

Today's rant was brought to you by Sarah
Note from Chase: sorry I haven't ranted in a while, but Sarah sure has a nice long rant for you guys today. I do actually have something I want to rant about that I'll post later this week. It's gonna be an idea for a video game that I had today (rather than more complaining). When I put it up I want feedback from each and every one of you faithfull viewers. But anyway, without further ado, here's Sarah's rant:
Hello everyone, Since Chasey dearest hasn't ranted in awhile and I've just finished my third weekend of hell in a row NATS, Ruddigore, and Ruddigore, I thought it might be a good time to update you all on why you should never be music or theater majors. For one thing, there's the incredible amount of effort that goes into getting ready for each show, and the relatively small payoff at the end. Here's my nightly schedule, arrive early find a space and stay there so I don't loose my chair and begin constructing the insane number of pin curls that I had to put into my hair so that I could wear a wig (I used an average of 50-60 bobby pins a night). That was followed by the waist area of a pair of pantyhose stretched over my head to keep the pin curls in place under the wig, and also to keep my hair from getting tangled in the wig. After that I started in on makeup. Now anyone who thinks they know how to put on stage makeup and gets up from the bench looking just a little more made-up than usual doesn't know what they're talking about. First, the make up we use is industrial-grade pancake stuff, second, if you look like anything but a freak after it's all on, noone will be able to see your facial expressions onstage. This means, one shade darker base coat than you would wear in public, eyeliner above and below your eyes, bright lipstick, tons and tons of rouge, drawn on eyebrows, and specifically placed light and dark spots around your eyes and nose. This process also takes quite awhile since the makeup doesn't stay in one place till it's powdered, and you use a brush and sponges to apply it. The brush, of course must be cleaned every time you switch colors if you want to be able to use your different colors again. This is why call for shows is always at least an hour and a half before curtain. But I've almost forgotten the most annoying part of the entire processÉyou see, I had to wear a wig for this show. A wig that was originally too small for my head (especially when you consider the waist-length hair I had to pin curl and fit under it as well). All because the theater people forgot about me just a little bit. The other two bridesmaids with long hair both got to wear hairpieces instead of full wigs. I unfortunately, was the last bridesmaid they considered when they were doing costume design, and by that time it was close to the show and they realized there weren't going to be enough makeup people to do anyone else's hair. So they decided to just slap a wig on me. It was the ugliest hair creation known to man or woman because by this time all the good wigs were being used for other people. Not only did my wig start out too damn small and have to be stretched (wearing it was never a completely pain-free experience) but it was obvious that it had required the least effort to make. There were three huge curls on either side of my face pretty much covering everything but my nose and mouth-I was the sheepdog bridesmaid! The curls were constantly unraveling because it was impossible to keep from getting them snarled on my costume or other things, and every one of my friends and anyone not on the cast (trying to make me feel better about it) has bluntly expressed to me what a horrible hairpiece it was. On a side note, for anyone still considering a theater production even after that description, make friends with the make up people. It was very obvious at even first glance who had friends in the theater department. Their wigs were pieces of art, while mine and two other just plain music major's wigs were either showing big gaps, horribly matched color-wise (platinum blonde on a brunetteÉ), or in my case, just yucky. Now in their defense, I know the theater department is understaffed, but having to deal with that kind of favoritism is still annoying. The next theater topic I'd like to touch on is the time commitment. Not only were there the 15 hours of rehearsal every week for two months, but the last three weeks have been a complete and utter hell for me to survive. You all know NATS wiped me out for the entire weekend before tech week. Now imagine our performance schedule--3 shows in as many days, that's 2 hours per show, an hour and a half prep time, and a half hour decostuming afterwards. So that puts me at a grand total of 4 hours out of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We're up to 12 hours accounted for both weekends. Then throw in classes and other requirements like an actual meal Fridays and those are gone. I couldn't sleep after the Friday show both weekends, and so to make up for it, slept in till around 3 pm both Saturdays, and since call was 5:30 to 6 there was just enough time to reheat old pizza or other such interesting leftovers, throw on clothing and head out. Sundays, of course, there is also the added church choir requirement that lasts from 9-11:30 am. Call for Ruddigore was, of course 12:30, so again, just enough time to scarf some food before heading out again. The first weekend it wasn't so bad because I was out by 5 on Sunday and could then try to catch up on all my neglected homework that evening. Today however was another story entirelyÉ Today was STRIKE. That word is in capital letters to try to imply what an enormous hassle it is. You see, STRIKE is where the entire cast and a few theater students pitch in to tear down the set. I say a few theater students because even though there are a lot of them, the majority of their numbers are comprised of little freshmen who stand around in clumps with blank cow in headlight eyes watching you work. Which is actually what some of us cast members do as well, although we are more likely to go up to someone who knows what's going on and ask for work (because we actually are sick of being there and want to go home sometime relatively soon). The other thing you need to appreciate, especially those of you that have done a High School strike, is that the sets are constructed differently in HS and College. In HS, most of the walls are frames with painted linen that you just take apart at the hinges and store backstage to be reused in next year's production. You might have one staircase and a platform that need to be taken apart, and those are usually put together with nice simple nails so all you need for deconstruction is a crowbar. College sets are an entirely different animal. For one thing, all walls are thin plywood stapled to frames made of two-by-fours and decorated with Styrofoam and other nifty trimmings that have to be removed as well. A little more difficult to take apart perhaps? Also, any and all frames in the set, including platforms are put together with screws. Lots and lots of screws--screws in the staircases, screws in the corners, screws holding the platforms to the frames, screws holding the platform frames to the floor. Screws fricking everywhere! And, of course, you need a power screwdriver to deal with so many screws, especially the portable power source ones since that many extension cords are just impossible to deal with. So unless you have a screwdriver, you can't really take apart anything major on the set. There are the non structurally essential materials that have to be removed, most people use pry-bars for such things, my vote generally goes to a swift, well-placed kick. It's much more satisfying after being stuck in the theater for 6 hours. Then there's the back drops that have to be gathered up, and all the lights that must be stowed away in their proper place. Of course the light storage area is an interesting place. For one thing, it's up above the back area of the stage. The only way to access it is by one of two ladders. Yes, you heard me, ladders. Now you can't very well carry big honkin 5-15 pound lights up a ladderÉ So they've devised this pulley system. Two people are at the bottom, one attaches the lights to the rope and the other pulls them up to the person at the top opening. Mind you, this top doorway is just a 5X8 opening into blank space. No guard rails or anything else that resembles a safety feature to keep you from plummeting 20 feet to the stage floor below. I happened to work both the bottom and the top areas of this arrangement. I got some wonderful exercise heaving the lights up with the pulley, and also had quite a bit of fun grappling with my fear of heights. It was at least pleasant that the light crew up in the loft got a bit of a break in between the detachment of all the lights. All in all it wasn't too bad, it could have come off a lot quicker with just a little bit of managerial organization but I survived it. So on to my current pet peeve. Ok, here's the story. My wonderful music history professor seems to be the only person in the music department staff that didn't realize Ruddigore was going on. As an example, last Monday he gave us a listening quiz. Of course with three days worth or performances to prepare for, none of the people in the cast or the pit orchestra had time to prepare for the quiz. This was a good portion of his class. I personally am pretty sure I flunked it. About half-way through this last week, we got a peeved little email from our professor complaining about how abysmally low the test scores were. As a result he actually decided to re-do the test. Now he has already scheduled the chapter test for this coming Wednesday so the only time the quiz can be fit in to the schedule?? You guessed it, Monday, after the second Ruddigore weekend (plus STRIKE and a supposed cast party). Wanna guess what my second score is going to be? Yeah, I thought so. But at least I'll be able to go to the review session for the Ch test on Tuesday now that I don't have a Ruddigore rehearsal that conflicts. All I have to say before I call it a night is that I have around 6 tests this coming week, and a ton of stress to work off, but at least I will have an extra 3 hours every night in which to do so. Despite any differing opinions I might have as compared to the rest of the cast (If you happen to know and speak to any of them), I think I speak for everyone when I say, Good riddance to Ruddigore and bring on Thanksgiving break!!! (PS, whew!! I didn't know I had that much complaining stored up in my system!)

Today's rant was brought to you by Sarah
Hey Folks, Sarah here, and I just feel like complaining about how crappy my life is at the moment. Allow me to recap the last few days. Thursday I left Ames and went to Decorah to compete in a singing contest. That went fairly well except for the fact that my snoogly ookums couldn't go with me and so I got NO SLEEP Thursday night. So after running on adrenaline and nerves from 8 am till midnight Friday, I was finally exhausted enough to sleep for a whole 5 hours before getting back in a car and going to Cedar Rapids to meet Chase. Once I got there, we almost immediately turned around and did the two hour trip back to Ames. I spent the rest of Saturday afternoon asleep, and with the exception of my huge theory exam, church choir, and Ruddigore tech rehearsal, that's all I did Sunday as well. I was still completely exhausted come Monday. To top all that off, my sweetikins is now hacking up a lung. I feel really bad for him, but with Ruddigore opening night coming up in 3 days I can't get sick, therefore no kissing, no cuddling, etc etc etc.... So I've gone through the las t two days exhausted. Now I'm at that unique point of sleep deprivation where I mix up all the wordezes in sentences, have to rely on Microsoft spell check to make this readable, and have real issues with my sence of balance (it's on hiatus). I really don't like being this stressed. Would everyone please remind me never to do this much shit at once ever again please??? And now I'm gonna go wash my hair since I haven't since about Sunday. Yes I know my hygienic practices suck. Toodle oos

-10/29/2003 (the wee hours o' the morn)
Whoopee for all of you, you get two rants today, 'cause today was just very rantable. >:[
So, I was minding my own business, typing up the first of the two rants for the night (which you can see below), and at that point it was the only rant that I had for the night. Well, then all of the sudden the music from Winamp starts sputtering, and my entire freaking computer freezes up. Ok, no big deal, I didn't have anything written yet anyway. I just turn the thing off, no harm done. I start 'er back up, and ten minutes later the exact same godamn thing happens again!!! GRRRR!!! Well, since I promised Dusan that I would have a rant up today, by god I unplugged the damn computer, and took it over to Em's room. These are both people who have characters in my web comic based off of them, as they were playing rifts with me for that fated campaign. See if you can guess which ones they are, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised, or, rather, not surprised in the least and not puzzled for a moment. Anyway, I digress. So, we open my computer up, and lo and behold, there's dust everywhere. I've never seen this much dust anywhere at once. There were even dog hairs in there (and believe me, husky hairs are big, fluffy, and get everywhere), and this computer hasn't been in the presence of my dogs for more than a year. So, we take it all apart, every piece, and clean all of it up with toothpicks, Q-tips, and water. Then, we put it all back together. All of this probably took a good hour, hour and a half. When we get it all put back together, and plugged in, it boots up. Yay! But then there's another problem. The stupid thing doesn't see any of my drives. Well, ok, it sees my floppy drive, but that's it. So we have to take it apart again. And lo and behold, I've got the wrong cable connected to my hard drive. So we fix that, and boot it up again, and it sees the drives. Yay. And then guess what? Yup, blue screen of death. The fabled blue screen of death. Do you know what that means, boys and girls? It means that we get to take out all the parts that aren't necessary, and boot it back up, and then keep adding parts one at a time to see which one caused the problem. And guess which one caused the problemÉ NONE OF THEM!! So after all that wasted time, finally my computer works again (though one of my ram chips seems to be inoperative now, but I'm not gonna worry about that.) And you know what the kicker is? I get to open it up and do it all again when my replacement parts come in, 'cause my parents just gave me money to update my computer. Yaaay! And argh. And all that good stuff. Anyway, go read the other rant. It's not nearly so whiny, I swear. I'm goin' to bed.

So, my Uncle has this website. It's a very respectable website. He has recently received offers from other websites to pay for ad space on his website. The other day, in his server logs, he noticed a lot of traffic referred from another website, a geocities website. He goes to check this out, and lo and behold, when he enters the URL, sees his website. Apparently, the guy that does this particular geocities website has framed my uncle's website. This means, basically, that the guy made his page one big frame and put my uncle's website in it. This is similar to the frame that you are reading the rant from right now. The frame contains the page, though the page you see in your bar is In this manner, people were looking at my uncle's page, but seeing a geocities url. This was minorly vexing, but simple enough to fix. My uncle just added a neat little script to the top of his webpage that looks to see if the page is in a frame. If it is, it then moves the browser to his page in it's entirety. That way people looking at the geocities page would be moved directly to my uncle's page, and all the links would work, and everything would be peachy. But, after a little more research, my uncle discovered that this geocities person had hidden a real page under his frame that could be viewed with a decoder, which contained many, many links to the foulest of pornography sites. Every link had the word rape in the title. It really makes your stomach turn to just look through the links. So, my uncle changed his script a little, so that, instead of redirecting the browser directly back to his page, it redirected it to this site, which is the section of the FBI webpage dealing with child pornography. The owner of the geocities webpage quickly took down the cover pages. This made his pages just blank, as you couldn't see anything without the proper decoder. My uncle also sent emails to geocities and the three other webpages like his that had been used as cover pages about what had been going on. As of yet he has heard nothing back from these sites. Earlier tonight, the geocities site put its cover pages back up (including my uncle's which links him to If nothing more is done about this site, he will contact the FBI directly, and see that the proper actions are taken.
From what I've seen of this code, it is a rather rudimentary, albeit clever method of hiding pornography. Anyone with a decent background in hacking, or anything to do with that could have thought of ten much more elegant ways to do this. Another factor that tells me that this person is inexperienced is the fact that the cover sites he used weren't in on the deal. It made it very easy for my uncle, with only rudimentary computer knowledge (no offence, Uncle Bill) to figure out what was going on. AND he did something about it. And then there's the fact that he used geocities. It all rather reeks amateur, and kind of cries out for this kid to be hacked. At the very least my uncle should change his script in such a way that it links back to his site with the code cracked, showing it for what it really is. The code itself is easy to crack, as it is included in the source code of the webpage, which is another indication that this person is an amateur. This particular piece of 'hacking' would not be illegal at all except for the fact that a link to this site is given. But the whole situation makes me want to do something more severe. I am quite tempted to do some vigilante hacking, and get into this kid's website directories and change stuff there (such as doing that in order to make the site generally viewable), or go even further and hack his home computer and do some nasty things to him that way. But seeing as the FBI will hopefully become involved soon, that might not be such a good idea. But, all in all, this whole thing kinda puts a sour taste in my mouth about humanity. But at least the perpetrator was a fool and therefore easily caught, and will hopefully be easily put to justice.

Some of you may have had me try to convince you of the existence of a bipedal ape in the forests of North America, i.e. Bigfoot or Sasquatch. I fervently believe this animal exists, and that large scale scientific studies of such an animal would teach us an amazing amount about where we came from, especially if the rumors that they actually have a fully developed spoken language are true. I believe these animals exist because of the vast amount of evidence in the form of hundreds (if not thousands) of eyewitness reports dating back to the initial exploration of the North American Continent (and even further back than that, if you count Native American legends), but my believe is counter to the norm. Sasquatch is something that the American tabloids have made into a joke. Anyone who believes that these animals exist - especially if they claim to have seen one themselves - are by and large considered crazy. If you would like to see more information of a scientific fashion about the north American great ape, take a look at the link on my webpage entitled 'Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization', it has a lot of high quality scientific information on the subject. But showing you this link is not the purpose of my rant today. Today I wanted to alert all of you to the presence of an article on CNN.COM (and if that's not a reputable source, I don't know what is) about a mystery ape found in Africa. You can find the article itself here, or alternatively through the BFRO website. This article details evidence found in Africa by legitimate scientists of a new, as of yet unidentified and unclassified primate. The hard evidence includes hair and scat samples complete with mitochondrial DNA, as well as some photographs and video evidence, as well as a skull of the animal. If you find this interesting, there is also another article here detailing research and evidence in the favor of the Sumatran Yeti, also known as Orang Pendek. If Two such specimens of primate (and quite possibly ape), which have much coverage in the local folklore can have evaded scientist conducting actual rigorous research in the wilderness areas, then perhaps it is possible that we have overlooked a giant ape in our own forests, of which there is much evidence, but absolutely no rigorous scientific research. Many of the forests in America are every bit as remote and unexplored as the vast rainforests of Africa and Sumatra. Just maybe, some day soon, all of us quacks that believe in Sasquatch will get our vindication.

I want to apologize straight away to those of you who have no clue how Kings of Chaos works, because if you don't today's rant won't make much sense to you. (Not that anyone actually reads this crap anyway...) But if you have questions, that's what the tagboard's for, right? Heh, maybe then somebody other than myself will use it... But I digress. Back to the subject of revenge. Revenge is sweet. About a week or so ago (last weekend, in fact, I believe), I had attacked a few dozen people, and stolen large sums of money from them (95k+ gold), which is pretty standard for Kings of Chaos. Hell, I've had 180k gold stolen from me and I didn't bat an eye. But this one guy... _-krewsayda-_'s his name, so right away that should tell you something... Anyway, he decided to get all high and mighty on me, and sabotaged almost all of my defenses. I went from 180,000 or so defense to around 800 defense. I know what you're thinking, "what a little bastard!", right? Ok, so maybe it's closer to "gee, I'm kinda hungry", but anyway, yes, he is a little bastard. So I decided to teach this little bastard a lesson. Now my spy skill was already about 1000 times bigger than his (which makes it confusing as to how he could sabotage my stuff in the first place..), and before selling off all the rest of my stuff that he hadn't sabotaged, I got enough money to upgrade my spy skill one last time. And believe me, that wasn't cheap. I believe it cost me around 700k. But I'm just so awesome that I didn't have any trouble doing that, even with all my sabotaged weapons and stuff. I then reassigned all of my soldiers but one to spy duty, and sold all of my weapons and armor, and bought one knife. I then proceeded to sabotage every damn thing that guy had, and attacked him with my one soldier with a knife. The attack, by the way, is what actually broke the weapons after I sabotaged them. Revenge is sweeeeeet. Ok, now I've bragged about my successful plot. I feel better now. I'll go away and leave you all to do whatever more important things you have to do.

Today's rant was brought to you by Geoffrey
Hoorah!! The primary reason that I have created this webpage has been fulfilled! I have been immortalized in Lego form! My plan has almost come full circle. I shall soon be ruling the world. You can all begin paying your respect to me in the form of shiny presents. I now must spread my lego likeness across the world, and then begins the subliminal messaging... And the brain-chemicals in the drinking water... I'm so close now! I just hope that nobody figures out that the me-worshipping chemicals are triggered by greed and sloth and malice, and counteracted by compassion and logic. What am I thinking, this is America! They will all be my slaves!! An army of fat lazy bastards!! I will be unstoppable! And if anyone rebels, I'll just accuse them of being homosexual... Or terrorists... Or just Islamic. I'll replace the president with a chimpanzee and no one will notice! THE WORLD SHALL BE MINE!!! All those who oppose me shall be crushed under the giant fat ass of America!! I'm so awesome...

So, I was reading an article on The New York Times website about downloading music earlier. It was talking about how students aren't understanding how it is morally wrong to download music. Well, in my opinion that's complete bullshit. I think I'm a pretty moral person, I don't like to do anything that will hurt anyone else. But there's nothing in my moral code against keeping myself from being gouged by the record companies. It costs them maybe 2 or 3 dollars to make a CD, the recording sessions with the band included. And yet they sell them to us for 15 or 20 dollars, , except for the reprinted ones which they only had to pay a few royalties and production costs, costing them probably a few cents per CD, and those they still sell to us for ten. If anything, before I went to college and no longer had the money to buy CD's, I was buying 400% more CD's after I discovered Napster and discovered artists that I like through that medium. The new technologies surrounding file sharing and music downloading have more potential to help the music industries, and especially the 90% of good musicians nobody knows about than to make them loose money. When it comes down to it, music trade helps the artists (minus perhaps the triple platinum ones who get millions upon millions anyway), and takes away perhaps 10% of the billions the record companies (and triple platinum recording artists) make. Hmm... lets think about this... it helps the artists who need the money to eat, and makes the unbelievably rich just a little less so. Sounds like a fair trade off to me. But this article says it better than I could. So everybody should go read it, and download music, and boycott the American recording industry.

Avast ye landlubbers!!! Keelhaul yer mateys t' the gangplank and lash yer booty to the poopdeck!! Yar. A happy talk like a pirate day to all of ye. Yar. It's freaking cold out there. Yar...

Today's rant was brought to you by Mervin
hmm... so I've read up on it a little bit, and found the part of the brain that produces melanin, the chemical which makes us sleepy. If I cut it out, I'll be able to stay up as long as I want!!! HAHAHA!!! Take that spider monkeys!!! My brain is my own property!!! I've got a knife right here, in my hand while simultaneously in the back of my head!!! aaaah, the pain demons are out for my precious jellies!!! Oh wait, melanin is skin pigment... It's something else that starts with an m... something with an m and then an l... AH, it's seratonin!!! That's what I've got to cut out of my head!!! Wait, that doesn't start with an m at all...

Well, I was looking around at the New York Times, trying to find something that I could rant about. I thought about ranting about the whole Iraq thing, or the California Governor stuff, or maybe all the crap the RIAA is putting music fans through, but I was just too freaking tired to sort out any coherant thoughts about any of that stuff. So I'll just rant about that. It's really awful when you get less than 6 or 7 hours of sleep every night during the week, and then over the weekend get even less. And unless I decide to give up a social life entirely, it looks as though this trend may continue. Hell, even if I did give up a social life (which I'll probably have to do to get all my homework done anyway), I still won't be able to get more than a few hours more sleep. Freaking sleep. I really wish I didn't need to sleep. I'd get so much more done. There, I've ranted. I feel better. In theory...

OK, I know it seems kind of weird to start out my rant like that, when my last rant was about death. But I can't help it. I simplified the maintenence of my website about 10 times by switching everything to frames. It took me for-freaking-ever to get everything worked out, but I've finally got almost everything fixed up. You'll notice, no doubt, that the frame that this rant is in (not to mention various other frames) is really small. I'm working on finding a solution for that, but it might take me a while. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know. I've now got a tagboard up, so you can give me instant feedback. You can access it through the link under 'The Me's'. Look down and left. Anyway, I made my website more elegant on my end, and I'm working on making it nicer for all two of you who actually read this. Use my tagboard. And please let me know if there are any typos or dead links anywhere in this site so I can fix them.

Johnny Cash died today. I find it very sad that his last great acheivement, his powerful cover of the Nine Inch Nails song, was nominated for the useless MTV Music Awards and lost to a song by Justin Timberlake. Justin Timberlake went up to the podium and complained about the fact that it was a travesty that Johnny Cash didn't win, and then took the award for himself. Boy, I'll be he feels like an ass now. Johnny Cash wasn't able to attend the awards because he was battling with the illness that killed him early this morning. This, my friends, is why I pay as little attention as possible to today's popular music.