Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral Click on the characters to view their bios


The Rant

Hey, look at that, an update! Crazy! Betcha all thought I was dead, didn't you? Or something like that... Anyway, behold, in all of it's glory, episode 18! For the time being the update schedule is gonna be a little off (as if you hadn't noticed) owing to the change of apartment, the actual full time job, and such. Plus, I'm changing artists. This will (theoretically) be the last comic by the old artist, and hopefully the new artist will be able to crank stuff out a bit faster. Asumming I every actually get around to bugging her about it... but be that as it may, yeah, changes are afoot. 'Cause I stepped in some radioactive waste and now my foot is mutating. Anyway, enjoy the new comic. Hopefully there will be more to come sooner rather than later!
(isn't it cute how he writes like he's actually got a readership)

See all rants at once (how masochistic of you)
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